DOEP EFile & Ack
This function allows users to search DOEP EFile/Ack batch, Generate DOEP EFile and load DOEP acknowledgement files from FinCEN.
Search DOEP EFile/Ack Batch
When the user clicks on the Opeation -> CTR EFile menu, it will show the list of EFile/Ack batch as below.

Users can also export the list as csv file.
Generate DOEP EFile
When the user clicks on the Generate DOEP EFile button, it will retrieve all the FORP's with Ready_to_EFile status and generate the xml file ready to be send to FinCEN.
Load DOEP Acknowledgement
When the user clicks on the Load CTR Acknowledgement button, it will read the file in the ack folder (configurable) and load them.